Most resellers understand the importance of doing research before listing an item. This research usually involves looking up the selling price of an item on eBay to learn how to price your own item to sell. The problem is that with eBay's Best Offer feature, it's not always easy to find these answers. Let's take a look at how to see what items actually sold for, even if the seller accepted the best offer.

When you search for sold items on eBay, you will often see something like the image above. A price with a line indicating that it was sold through the best offer. While it is somewhat useful to see why an item was listed, it is not as useful as seeing why an item was actually sold on eBay.

To find out what price an item was sold for on eBay with the best offer, you will need to use eBay Product Research Tool. All you have to do is log into your eBay account (now available in the app too!) and go to “Research” and then “Product Research”.

Once you're in the right place, simply copy and paste the title of the item whose price you're trying to find. In the example above, you can see that it actually sold for a best offer of $29.

Now, this can get a little tedious if you're searching through dozens of listings trying to find prices. Therefore, it may be easiest to start with the product research tool. That way, you'll be able to see accurate prices, as well as other useful information like average price, average sales rate, and more.

This product research tool (previously called Terrapeak) has been available on the eBay website for quite some time, but sellers may not realize it or use it much.

But now you can do the same thing on your phone in the eBay app while searching for profitable inventory to sell and you won't even have to deal with the best offer issue. I'm actually switching to this research method instead of the original search method most of us used (search for the item and then filter by “Sold”).

To access product research information on your phone while shopping:

  1. Open your eBay app and click “Sell” at the bottom right.
  2. Scroll down until you see “Product Research.”
  3. Enter your search terms as you normally would to see tons of useful information to make more informed sourcing decisions.

The best offer feature is a great way to make sales, but it has made it difficult for us resellers who want to do some price research before listing our own items. Fortunately, this solution is pretty easy!

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